
0-12 平和の石塚

0-12  平和の石塚 



This is particular stone was hewn from Britain's highest mountain



August 2nd, 1972

0-14 遭難横死者慰霊供養塔

 0-14   遭難横死者慰霊供養塔


(広島平和記念資料館) 住友銀行の開店前に階段に腰掛けていた被爆者は、広島原子爆弾が近距離で炸裂し、その場で死亡した人影の石と推定された。

人影の石 (Human Shadow Etched in stone)


 原子爆弾の強烈な熱線により階段は白っぽく変色し、腰掛けていた部分が影のように黒くなって残存した。この人影が自分の親族のものではないかという申し出が、複数のご遺族から寄せられている。 石段の人影だけでなく、壁、路面に焼き付く欄干の影、ガスタンクに残るハンドルの影などにも現れた。1人の婦人が銀行の開店を待って、右下肢を伸ばして、左下肢は立膝をして、石段にうずくまって腰掛けていたと推定される。たとえ炸裂直後に約4,000度に達しても、人体は気化することなく、骨と炭化した器官は残る。

1945年8月6日午前8時15分に広島原子爆弾が投下されて炸裂した爆心地から約260mに階段は存在していた。原子爆弾の約4000度もの熱線が、その周りの花崗岩の石段の表面を白く焼いて人の影の部分が残った。「死の人影」とも呼称された。石段に座った被爆者は、その場で即死した。 住友銀行は、ビルの外観だけを残して内部は崩壊した。8月6日には従業員は約29人が被爆死して、負傷者は約40人であった。

   These stone steps were at the entrance to the Hiroshima Branch of the Sumitomo Bank. Exposed to the atomic explosion at close range , the person sitting on the steps waiting for the bank tp open is thought to have died on the spot with no possibility of escape. The intense heat of the A-Bomb turned the steps whitish; the stone under the sitting person remained dark, like a shadow. Several families have suggested that the person killed on the steps may have been one of their own.





0-1 世界の子ども平和像

0-1  世界の子ども平和像







0-2 鈴木三重吉文学碑

 0-2  鈴木三重吉文学碑





0-3 旧相生橋碑

 0-3  旧相生橋碑





Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum June 1st 2020 Part 02

   The Hiroshima Atomic Bomb had been dropped for the first time in the history of humankind on 8AM 15Min, August 6, 1945, which exploded over Hiroshima City. 
    In Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Hiroshima before and after the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, the background of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, the actual situation of the nuclear age and Hiroshima City's peace efforts are introduced via models, images and photo panels. There is also a video theater where documentary films can be viewed, and on basement floors there are exhibition rooms for paintings of the A-bombing by surviving citizens; halls and meeting rooms where students on school excursions can hear testimonies of Hiroshima Atomic Bomb survivors, and an information reference room where books on the A-bombing and on peace can be viewed. 
   The main building displays Hiroshima Atomic Bomb artifacts and materials that explain the dreadful powers of heat rays, blast, radiation and the intense heat fires of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb. These artifacts and materials convey what specifically happened to Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The facility is also equipped with sections where visitors can view and listen to testimonies of Hiroshima Atomic Bomb survivors, and can write their impressions and messages for peace.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, June 1st, 2020, Part 01

   The Hiroshima Atomic Bomb had been dropped for the first time in the history of humankind on 8AM 15Min, August 6, 1945, which exploded over Hiroshima City. 
   In September 1949, "the A-bomb Reference Material Display Room" was established in the Hiroshima City Central Community Center. This was the start of the public display of atomic bomb materials. Under the "Hiroshima Peace Memorial City Construction Law," which was promulgated that year, the Peace Memorial Hall was opened in June 1955 and the Peace Memorial Museum in August 1955, in Peace Memorial Park. In June 1994, to improve display and collection functions and provide more space for peace education, Peace Memorial Hall was renovated and integrated into the Peace Memorial Museum. The two facilities are now open as a renewed Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum on April 25, 2019.
   On July 5, 2006, the Main Building of the Peace Memorial Museum was designated one of the important cultural assets of Japan. This is the first cultural asset from among buildings constructed in the post war period.


Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park 広島平和記念公園

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park 


Japan Atomic Bomb (JAB) 日本原爆の会 https://jpatomicbomb.blogspot.com/ 
Japan No War (JNW) 日本平和の市民連盟 https://nowarjapan.blogspot.com/
